The Globe-Trotteurs daycare promotes the overall development of children by allowing them to develop all their dimensions, whether emotional, social, moral, cognitive, verbal, physical or motor ... 

The child builds and develops through experiences, whether in the daycare space or the social environment. The daycare is there to facilitate learning. 

Childhood development is influenced by biological characteristics, immediate environment and the physical, socio-economic and cultural context in which the child lives. Children learn by watching others. The daycare team has worked for many years with groups of various ages and we realize the potential of multi-age groups. Small children learn from older ones and the older ones become more independent and responsible. Children of different nationalities have the opportunity to share their knowledge of geography and culture. The daycare holds group activities to allow different age groups to mingle and share beautiful moments. Our vision is of a warm and friendly place where core values such as sharing, respect and love prevail. 

We believe that the overall development of the child is a gradual and continuous process, that every moment, every experience and every action is an opportunity for fresh learning. The teacher takes the time to learn each child’s particularities and give positive support in the child’s activities. 

A child’s first attachment figures are naturally the parents. But an emotional connection also results from the interaction between a child and people around him. It is therefore essential to forge a deep bond with the child to reassure him. The Globe-Trotteurs daycare ensures this integration gradually by meeting the particular needs of each child. We establish a trust relationship with parents so that they have peace of mind. 

Children are all unique and develop at their own pace, according to needs and areas of interest. (comprends pas cette phrase: it is the first agent of his development, learns from his actions, his interactions, playing and watching.) The adult pays particular attention to the child’s motivation and guides him towards his own choices and preferred activities. 

Playing and exploring are essential tools in the application of our educational program. Whether solitary games or parallel, associative and cooperative exercises assembly, with simple or complex rules, games are encouraged since they lead to different stages of learning and allow children to grow in vartious ways. 

We focus on language development and make sure learning is progressive and fun. We encourage reading moments (stories to improve vocabulary and comprehension) and teach songs and rhymes. 

The educational program offers choices and services aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles starting at a young age, including eating habits and behaviour that result in positive personal and social development.

We provide children with music lessons and yoga so they can develop their concentration and enhance their self-esteem. 

The overall mission of the Globe-Trotteurs is to provide daycare of high quality. Our goal is to help each child develop at his own pace, to support him and encourage him throughout his stay with us.


Garderie Globe-Trotteurs Daycare Lachine Montreal